Vendor Relationships

Vendor Information

The best way to become a supplier to RushShelby Energy is to contact the procurement division and explain your company’s capabilities, products, and services.

Vendor Relations

We view suppliers as an extension of our resources by enabling RushShelby Energy and its subsidiaries to obtain the highest value in the procurement of equipment, materials, and services. We are committed to building a culture of trust with our suppliers and contractors. RushShelby Energy seeks to always maintain the highest standards of integrity and objectivity in our working relationships and will not conduct business with anyone who does not operate with integrity or who compromises corporate values and ethical standards.

Conflict of Interest

We avoid conflict, or the appearance of conflict, between personal interests and official responsibilities on behalf of RushShelby Energy. We use cooperative resources – time, personnel, equipment, and supplies – for RushShelby Energy and subsidiary business-approved activities. We do not take personnel advantage of business opportunities that are discovered through the use of RushShelby Energy and subsidiary property, information, or position.

Confidential Information

We use confidential information only for the business purpose intended. We protect the intellectual property rights, including copyrights, patent, licenses and trademarks, and other proprietary information of RushShelby Energy and others. We expect our suppliers to do the same.

Vendor Visitation

RushShelby Energy welcomes supplier representative visits. We recognize supplier representatives as a valuable source of information and the source of data for cost/benefit analysis. Supplier representatives are encouraged to make prior appointments and visit RushShelby Energy and subsidiary employees in accordance with local facility procedures. Due to the volume of solicitations, RushShelby Energy may not be able to follow up on every inquiry or phone call, but we appreciate your interest in becoming a supplier.