Right-of-Way Maintenance & Access

Trees growing near overhead power lines are both a liability and a safety concern. Falling trees and limbs are not only the most frequent cause of power outages, they are also a leading cause of momentary blinks. In addition, a tree touching a power line can conduct electricity and create the potential for electrical hazards, fires, and property damage. For these reasons, trimming and cutting trees adjacent to power lines is essential to providing you with safe, reliable electric service.

Scheduled Maintenance

Your cooperative maintains a regular schedule for tree trimming and managing the rights-of-way beneath overhead power lines. Right-of-way work is performed by cooperative personnel and contractors hired by RushShelby Energy. Your cooperation with this necessary and important work benefits many and is greatly appreciated.

Landscape Planning

You can do your part to help keep right-of-ways clear by carefully planning your landscaping. Trees and shrubs need to be planted beyond the minimum clearance of 20 feet on either side of the power line. In addition, keep the mature height in mind when choosing your tree. Small trees, such as dogwoods and fruit trees, are good choices. If you have underground electric service, please keep plants and shrubs at least 3 feet from electrical equipment enclosures; access to these enclosures must remain unobstructed.